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<wrapper><p>Following a Fine Arts degree gained at Newcastle University, Huw began work as an illustrator, before changing course and becoming a professional full-time artist.
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<pre><code> Originally from North Wales, Williams now lives on a farm in Perthshire with his wife and daughter, where they keep horses. Set in the midst of the countryside, Huw\\'s studio overlooks the River Allan which flows south towards Stirling and from his studio he is able to watch his four horses galloping in their field. Horses are Huw\\'s passion and his principle subject matter. He paints in oil on a large scale and finished works range from between four to eight feet. His paintings frequently depict a single horse, or horse\\'s head against a solid black background, which creates a very strong and dramatic contrast. Many of Huw\\'s subjects, frequently stallions appear almost iconic in terms of their size and impact. Preparatory work for each canvas includes sketches, photographs and a cartoon in oils. Finding the right image and /home/tomomi/publichtml/cfag.co.uk/admin/includes/html2text.php on line 273
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Following a Fine Arts degree gained at Newcastle University, Huw began work as an illustrator, before changing course and becoming a professional full-time artist.
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<wrapper><p>Following a Fine Arts degree gained at Newcastle University, Huw began work as an illustrator, before changing course and becoming a professional full-time artist. in **/home/tomomi/public_html/cfag.co.uk/admin/includes/html2text.php
Gallery Owner
Contemporary Fine Art @ The Piper Art Bar
51 Peascod Street
Windsor Berkshire SL4 1DE
United Kingdom
Mobile: 07831 822 641
Email: mail@cfag.co.uk